What is Membership Autorenewal?
What are the ONS Membership Terms and Conditions?
How do I sign up for Membership Autorenewal?
Membership Autorenewal (3)
Membership autorenewal resources and information.
My Account (3)
My Account resources and information.
Membership & Chapters (3)
Membership & chapters resources and information.
What if I join a chapter, but then decide prior to my paid through date that I no longer wish to be a member of that chapter?
What if I renewed my membership weeks before this change rolled out and I no longer wish to be in a chapter?
Can I join a chapter after I already renewed my membership & declined chapter membership? If yes, do I receive a year from when I purchased my chapter membership?
Orders & Shipping (3)
Orders & shipping resources and information.
Why is my order charging tax?
How can I change or cancel my order after it has been submitted?
What is the ONS store return policy?
Meetings & Events (3)
ONS meetings and events.
Nursing Continuing Professional Development (5)
Nursing professional development resources and information.
My provider card is expired. Can I still take the ONS/ONCC Chemotherapy Immunotherapy Certificate Renewal™ Course?
How do I change my name on a certificate or provider card?
How do I verify an applicant's provider card status?
My course is missing from my course dashboard. How do I access it?
Does ONS send renewal notices for the ONS/ONCC Chemotherapy Immunotherapy Certificate™ and the ONS Fundamentals of Chemotherapy Immunotherapy Certificate™ courses?
When does my course close?
ONCC Certification (3)
ONCC certification resources and information.
Organizations (1)
Purchases and Support